
Welcome to DIY Darling! I’m passionate about home decor, DIY projects and creating a life you love. Oh and I love to read. A lot. You’ll find it all here - let's take this journey together!

I'm writing another book!

I'm writing another book!

I am beyond thrilled to share my news - I have a book deal with National Geographic and The Walt Disney Company! It still fills me with excitement to say (or write) those words. The offer went out in September of 2022, but I had to keep the announcement quiet until all the contracts were signed. Which they now are, and the writing/research/travel process has begun!

publishers marketplace deal report

I feel really grateful for this opportunity, and a big thank you goes out to my literary agent, Kristina Sutton Lennon. I pitched my idea to her in 2021 and she was on board immediately. I cannot stress enough the importance of surrounding yourself with people who believe in you, and Kristina is that person for me.

So a little more about the book…

It’s all about exploring and highlighting small towns across the United States, complete with beautiful National Geographic photography, that will hopefully inspire readers for their next getaway trip.

As I really dive into the research (which there will be a LOT of because there are a LOT of small towns in this country!) I am tapping into word-of-mouth resources as much as possible to kick the process off.

Here’s where you come in. I’d love your input on places you’ve been, places you’d recommend, for consideration in the book. Maybe you had the best weekend away with your family, or your group of friends, or your partner. I want to hear about it! Click the link below for a short questionnaire:

Small Town Questionnaire

Brenna Darling holding a stack of books

Follow along my journey as I travel across the US and discover the best small towns you’ve never heard of.

Saturday Share: A book series I cannot put down, a food I’m apprehensively trying, plus more!

Saturday Share: A book series I cannot put down, a food I’m apprehensively trying, plus more!

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies