
Welcome to DIY Darling! I’m passionate about home decor, DIY projects and creating a life you love. Oh and I love to read. A lot. You’ll find it all here - let's take this journey together!

Sugar Coated Cranberries

Sugar Coated Cranberries

Don't you just love Christmas colors? Bursts of red and green, mixed in with white, gold, and silver **swoon** I recently saw these Sugar Coated Cranberries, and not only do they look beautiful, they taste delicious. They can decoratively adorn cakes, used as toppers for a Christmas morning parfait, or just eaten by themselves. 

Warning: these take TWO days to make!! Had I known this when I started out, I may not have chosen to undertake them. But a Darling never quits, so I persisted!! 

sugar coated cranberries in a white dish sitting in Christmas garland

Display berries in a pretty dish so guests can grab and snack. Create this entire Christmas Table-Scape in under 10 minutes!



1. Bring 3/4 cup water and 1 cup sugar to a boil in a medium saucepan on medium heat, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Add 2 cups fresh cranberries. 

2. Transfer to a bowl; cool to room temperature. Weight cranberries down with a plate (or in my case, a bowl) to keep them submerged. Refrigerate overnight.  

3. Set a wire rack over a baking sheet (line with parchment paper for easier cleanup). With a slotted spoon, transfer cranberries to rack, spreading so they don't touch each other. Let dry 1 hour. 

4. Spread 1/2 cup sugar on a dinner plate. One handful at a time, roll cranberries in sugar. Spread them on a second baking sheet, lined with parchment paper. Let dry 1 hour. 

5. Store, uncovered at room temperature up to 2 days. Makes 3 cups. 


Merry Christmas Cardboard Garland

Merry Christmas Cardboard Garland

Make Your Own Gourmet Caramel Apples

Make Your Own Gourmet Caramel Apples