DIY for a Dollar: Toadstool Birdhouse — DIY DARLING


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DIY for a Dollar: Toadstool Birdhouse

DIY for a Dollar: Toadstool Birdhouse

Sometimes you need to let your imagination run wild, and this easy crafting project is the perfect outlet. Create a mushroom-toadstool-fairy-garden-birdhouse in an afternoon, and delight in the magical moments it brings.

I found this mini wooden birdhouse at the craft store for about $1 and decided to have a little fun. By using craft materials I already had on hand, mixed with natural materials I foraged outside in my yard, I made this little fairy garden. Read on to make your own!

an illustration of a mushroom


  • Mini wooden birdhouse

  • Outdoor craft paint + paint brush

  • Decorative moss

  • Mod podge + brush

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A mini wooden birdhouse

First up, start painting the base of your birdhouse. I mixed together white paint with a bit of brown to achieve a gradient look. Then, I used the tip of my paint brush to add dots along the base and side of the birdhouse, almost like a cobblestone effect. I layered in different shades of brown to make it look multidimensional.

A mini wooden birdhouse painted to look like a mushroom

For the mushroom top, I first painted a layer of bright red, then added on a darker mix of red, burgundy, and brown to get a gradual gradient. After that was dry, I added white spots shaded with a light grey.

Finally, I brushed on mod podge and pressed decorative moss along the base, sides and roof of the birdhouse.

Fairy garden in the yard, with a toadstool birdhouse and wooden stick ladder

This part was so fun and whimsical. There’s a tree trunk in our front yard that had to be cut down, which provided the perfect base for my toadstool fairy garden. I used all natural, foraged materials that are biodegradable and created a fairy garden. The decorative moss just stuck to the bark of the tree, and I found little stones for a pathway. It’s all about getting creative and allowing your imagination to run free.

A mushroom fairy garden on a tree trunk with a stick ladder

The stick ladder was made using hot glue and a variety of sticks found in my yard (since hot glue is not biodegradable, you can always use twine to tie each stick step). How magical is this set up? I’m dying for someone to walk by and be surprised and delighted by my toadstool birdhouse fairy garden!

Fairy garden craft for kids
mushroom birdhouse fairy garden craft

So what do you think? This is the perfect summer craft for kids, or for adults looking to have a little bit of wholesome fun. Crafting for the sake of crafting is a total joy and I highly recommend it, especially when it’s a DIY for a dollar. I plan on leaving this outside for as long as it stays there. Do we think a fairy, bird or gnome lives in this toadstool birdhouse?

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