
Welcome to DIY Darling! I’m passionate about home decor, DIY projects and creating a life you love. Oh and I love to read. A lot. You’ll find it all here - let's take this journey together!

DIY Refrigerator Magnets

DIY Refrigerator Magnets

I’ve done it folks - I’ve finally found a use for those wine corks that you’ve been too sentimental to toss, but instead have sat there in your junk drawer, mocking you, judging your hoarding tendencies of precious, inanimate objects and your inability to take action and either THROW THEM AWAY or use them somehow.

No? Just me?

Read on for how to make the easiest DIY refrigerator magents using just three things (including leftover wine corks).

wine corks, small magnets and a hot glue gun

Materials you’ll need:

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using a hot glue gun to attach a magnet to a wine cork
gluing a small magnet onto a wine cork
two small magnets glued onto a wine cork to make a fridge magnet

Warm up your hot glue gun and then get your two magnets ready - you’ll need to work quickly. Dab a small amount of glue onto the wine cork and press a magnet firmly into place. Repeat with the second magnet.

Wait for the hot glue to fully dry (it should be cool to touch) before using your new fridge magnet. It’s that simple!

postcards on a refrigerator with wine cork magnets
Hand holding a wine cork refrigerator magnet

Here’s why this project brought me so much joy - these are wine corks from wine we drank on anniversaries, celebrations, birthdays and special simple nights in our new home. They represent memories with friends and loved ones, which is why I was extra thrilled at finding a day-to-day use for them. I’m not typically one for lots of knick-knacks or clutter, so this DIY was the perfect was to hold on to sentimental items while using them in a practical way.

ALSO WE GOT A BRAND NEW FRIDGE!! Not gonna lie, it’s changed our whole life. Kidding. But it has transformed the look of our kitchen, instantly modernizing it and providing a much better food storage solution (you couldn’t even fully open the doors of our old fridge…) Needless to say, between the new DIY Magnets and the new refrigerator, I’m smiling big time whenever I pass by the kitchen.

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