Wallpaper is the quickest way to add interest to a room. I’ll walk you through when you should choose between peel-and-stick or traditional wallpaper, and round up a few of my favorites!
Welcome to DIY Darling! I’m passionate about home decor, DIY projects and creating a life you love. Oh and I love to read. A lot. You’ll find it all here - let's take this journey together!
All tagged peel and stick wallpaper
Wallpaper is the quickest way to add interest to a room. I’ll walk you through when you should choose between peel-and-stick or traditional wallpaper, and round up a few of my favorites!
Using only leftover materials I already had lying around my house, I transformed my front hall closet to a delightful surprise design moment.
Learn about my process applying peel and stick wallpaper to an accent wall in my dining room.